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Speaking 4 the Planet 2024 – Results

The overarching topic for this year’s competition is Edge of the Future. The elected members of the regional council, Environment Canterbury, chose three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the areas they’d like participants to concentrate on when developing their speeches, art works or performances. These were SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

Visual Art

The prizes were presented by Dr Chrys Horn, on behalf of Gordon Harris Art Supplies, sponsors of the visual art category prizes. 

Year 7-8 Visual Art

Highly Commended:

  • Leo Liu, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School
  • Elena Zhang, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School
  • Bella Alegre, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School
  • Katherine Lynn, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School
  • Haniyah Hasan, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School
  • Isla Cameron, Hāto Mātene Kura – St Martins Primary School
  • Scarlett Wiles, Hāto Mātene Kura – St Martins Primary School

2nd: Alister Browne, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School
2nd: Alice Nix, Hāto Mātene Kura – St Martins Primary School
1st: Danielle Leys, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School

Year 9-11

Highly Commended: Seoha Oh, Te Kura o Waimairi-iri Burnside High 
2nd: Cate Ambury, Rangi Ruru Girls’ School
1st: Chloe Yu, Rangi Ruru Girls’ School

1st place Year 9-11: Chloe Yu, Rangi Ruru Girls’ School

Years 12 – Open

Highly Commended

  • Ngaio Dawson, Te iringa o Kahukura Cashmere High School
  • Sophia Mason,  Rangi Ruru  Girls’ School
  • Lily Hyde-Smith, Rangi Ruru  Girls’ School.
  • Saffron Mogridge, Rangi Ruru  Girls’ School

Spoken Word 

The prizes were presented by Heather McQuilliam, Write On School for Young Writers on behalf of Earth Sea Sky & Orana Wildlife Park sponsors of the Spoken Word category prizes. 

Year 7

Highly Commended

  • Jasmine Chun, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School
  • Clara Galvin, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School
  • Loriann Weaver, Hāto Mātene Kura – St Martins Primary School

2nd:  Luiza Wander Marques, Hāto Mātene Kura – St Martins Primary School
1st: Ethan Edensor, Hāto Mātene Kura – St Martins Primary School

Year 7 Spoken Word Finalists

Year 8

Highly Commended

  • Lucia Carter, Te Kura o te Tauawa Halswell School
  • Millie Breen-McBeth, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School

2nd: Zoe Broughton, Hāto Mātene Kura – St Martins Primary School
1st: Jesse Dodgshun, Te Kura o te Tauawa Halswell School

All category prize winners also went away with a tree donated by Trees for Canterbury

Year 8 Spoken Word Finalists

Prepared Speech

The prizes were presented by Ruth Dyson, on behalf of Earth Sea Sky and Orana Wildlife Park, sponsors of the speech category.

Year 7

Highly Commended

  • Frankie Hindson, Tai Tapu School
  • Diaa Taleb,  He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School

1st = Vyga Abilash, Our Lady of Victories School
1st = Milla Smith, Te Kura o Matuku Takotako  Sumner School

Year 7 Prepared Speech Finalists

Year 8

Highly Commended

  • Archer Smith, Hāto Mātene Kura – St Martins Primary School
  • Aarna Ghatak, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School

2nd: Noah Leith, He Tīwai Mātauranga, Heaton Normal Intermediate School
1st: Frankie Jephson,  Te Kura o Matuku Takotako  Sumner School

All category prize winners also went away with a tree donated by Trees for Canterbury

Year 8 Prepared Speech Finalists

After the speech category ended we enjoyed a Showcase afternoon

Secondary Performers 

Three young women presented powerful performances. Each went away with vouchers in appreciation of their work.

A Short Video produced for the Rangiora High Blue Planet group by Japanese exchange student Natsumi was shown. You can watch it here.

Ten Heaton Intermediate students put on a wonderful dramatic performance supported by their teacher, Beth Walsh expressing their understanding of SDG 16 particularly celebrating inclusivity and diversity.