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Did you know that Sustainable Ōtautahi Christchurch is a registered charity (CC20631) and donations will be receipted, and you can claim this against your tax for the year.

Donate with your credit card:

You can help!

or Direct Credit:
Account number 38-9003-0782571-00, use your name as a reference and ‘donation’

Email to let us know you have paid

Postal Address PO Box 1796, Christchurch 8140

Become a paid up member

(Help support the work of Sustainable Ōtautahi Christchurch)

Student/Unwaged $10,
Member/Household $15, Organisation $30

Membership runs from 1 April each year

Pay membership subscription with your credit card:

or Direct Credit:
Account number 38-9003-0782571-00, use your name as a reference and ‘membership’

If you want to pay a membership subscription AND make a donation with your credit card in one transaction then use this button: