6.30pm, Tuesday 28 March at the WEA, 59 Gloucester St

Andrew Ecclestone is Senior Associate in the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, Deputy Chair of the New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties and a committee member of Trust Democracy. Open government is vital in a world on the brink of ecological and climate catastrophe. This talk and its follow up discussion will be about why this is the case, and how to strengthen our democracy through more open government. Around the world countries are grappling with open government or shrinking democratic ideals, and in Aotearoa we need to work to ensure we continue the path towards open government in order to safeguard our future. This event is brought to you in partnership with the Canterbury Workers Educational Assoc. (WEA) and the Christchurch Enviro Hub. Please register for this free event through the WEA website here and please bring a koha if you can.