One Voice Te Reo Kotahi (OVTRK) open Forum
Building Respect and Recognition for Third Sector Organisations

An evening with Hon. Poto Williams
Minister for our Sector
Monday 4 November 7.30 – 9pm
Environment Canterbury Council Chambers
(easy access from Bus exchange,
car park access off St Asaph St)
For us and our children after us Mō tātou ā mō kā uri ā muri ake nei
Ngāi Tahu whakatauki
The Minister has been invited to address the question:
How can we treasure our Third Sector stories as measurements of wellbeing?
Our Third Sector contributes to all four well-beings – environmental, cultural, economic and social. Bring your ideas about what strategies and policies are needed to get better recognition and resourcing for our contributions including our mahi in assessing wellbeing. We are particularly interested in
- How do we tell our Third Sector stories in relation to achieving greater wellbeing?
- How can our contribution be measured?
As you may know One Voice Te Reo Kotahi (OVTRK) speaks from, not for the Third Sector.
- OVTRK provides a Register of Third Sector Organisations (TSOs) interested in working with others in greater Christchurch according to the OVTRK Tiriti–based kaupapa and upholding environmental, cultural, social and economic wellbeing.
- These TSOs may be organised around a common interest, identity, issue or place.
- OVTRK promotes the valuing of TSOs and seeks for them to be heard in deliberations on strategy and policy, complementing statutory and commercial voices.
- OVTRK is calling for a review of administrative support to further the contribution of TSOs’ wealth of experience, collective expertise and established, ever-expanding networks.
For more information, including about previous Forums, one of which the previous Minister Hon. Peeni Henare addressed in June 2018, see: