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Speaking 4 the Planet 2025

Making Waves: Our Ocean, Our Future, Our Responsibility

The partnership of Sustainable Ōtautahi Christchurch and the local network of The NZ Assoc. for Environmental Education is again coordinating the S4P competition for 2025 supported by pūtea from the Environment Canterbury Waitaha Action to Impact Fund (WAI), with additional funding for inspiration workshops from the CCC Sustainability Fund.


This competition is for school students from Years 7-13 and young people up to the age of 24 based in the greater Christchurch area. 

The theme for the competition is informed by SDG 14 – Protecting life below water – and is ‘Making Waves: Our Ocean, Our Future, Our Responsibility’. Issues within this theme include marine plastics pollution, micro plastics in fashion, overfishing, the impacts of climate change, deep sea mining, and biodiversity loss. All entries and performances must be based on this theme.

There are four competition categories:

  1. Prepared Speech – prepared speech, solo entries only.
  2. Spoken Word – prepared poem, solo or duo entries.
  3. Visual Art – prepared artwork, solo entries.
  4. Impromptu Drama – 1 hour to prepare, maximum number of ten students per team.

Each competition category is divided into three age divisions: Years 7-8, Years 9-11, and Open (Year 12 – Age 24). Open age group participants must be 24 years old or younger on 25/07/2025.

Registration is a requirement. Schools, supporting caregivers/parents, or individual senior students (Years 12+) will need to register before Friday 2 May by completing this Registration of Interest form. Participation in the competition is free.

Important dates:
– The Prepared Speech and Spoken Word heats will take place by video submission, and entries must be submitted by Tuesday 10 June, 5pm.
– The 6-8 finalists from each age division will be asked to perform on Finals Day.
– Visual Art entries must be submitted by Friday 4 July or before the school holidays.
– Entries for Impromptu Drama close on Wednesday 16 July.
Finals Day will be held on Friday 25 July from 9am-5pm at Tūranga, 60 Cathedral Square, Christchurch Central City.

Research is vital in preparing for this competition. All participants are encouraged to do their own research, and respond to the theme critically, creatively and with individual flare. Participants are to produce or present items that are original. For inspiration, check out these resources.

Participants give permission for images and videos of their entries (including performances) to be hosted on the Speaking 4 the Planet NZ YouTube channel and social media, and Sustainable Ōtautahi Christchurch social media. Ōtautahi Christchurch and NZAEE, Chch Branch) to our wonderful sponsors and supporters.

Inspiration Workshops

These workshops will explore the numerous issues facing our oceans with a focus on the issues outlined in SDG 14. Facilitated by Sian Crowley of The Seed Pod. All workshops are free. Register to attend using this form. 

Future Opportunities

After finals day there are other opportunities for participants:

The artists who have their work exhibited on finals day will be part of a travelling exhibition around 4 libraries within the network. 

Plains FM will again record the speeches and spoken word performances to be played as a podcast in the month after the finals. 

This year a very important international conference is being held in Ōtautahi Christchurch. It is possible that the S4P 2025 winners will be asked to perform or have their art displayed at the Adaptation Futures 2025 Conference (AF2025 13-16th Oct; Te Pae Convention Centre) within the ‘Youth Hub’ @ Tūranga. 

For further information please contact Jocelyn E: M: 027 222 0395. Promotional poster here.