James Renwick introduced by Anita Wreford
25th September 5.30pm, Stewart Building, Lincoln University

Land is at the heart of debates about climate change. How we use land affects our climate, but as the climate changes so too will the land and the biological and social systems it supports.
In a week of action on climate change, and following the release of the IPCC report on Climate and Land, NZ’s leading climate researchers explore the relationship between land and climate, and the challenges and potential it presents for our urgent need to respond to climate change.
James Renwick is a weather and climate researcher. He is Professor of Physical Geography at Victoria University, specialising in large-scale climate variations. He was awarded the 2018 New Zealand Prime Minister’s Science Prize for Communication.
Anita Wreford is an applied economist specialising in responses to climate change. She is Associate Professor in the Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit at Lincoln University and is the only NZ lead author for the 2019 IPCC report on Climate Change and Land.
Followed by refreshments and a chance to chat.
Contact for more information: sue.jarvis@lincoln.ac.nz
Book in here: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/our-land-in-a-changing-climate-impacts-and-implications-james-renwick-tickets-69666970785