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Land Use / Urban Food / Farming

These notes are from a “Restoring a Kind Climate” workshop held on the evening of 27 June 2019 at the Christchurch City Council building.

The purpose of the workshop was to provide community input into the Climate Smart Strategy review 2019, in particular to suggest practical pathways for achieving climate change mitigation goals and targets for the city. The notes are for one of the 8 topics discussed that evening.


  • CCC – Make the 2008 “woody vegetation” benchmark (specified in the 2010-2025 Climate Smart Strategy for a 15% increase by 2030) publicly available.
  • CCC – Make a recommendation to include both soil & climate change in the Resource Management Act.
  • CCC & City – enforce land designations on historical wetlands/landscapes/soils via:
    • District Plan Rules
    • Incentives to landholders to protect and restore soil health and biodiversity
    • No development on Class 1 & 2 soils.
  • CCC & City – Support Alternative & transitional crops + practices
    • To reduce stocking rates and improve soil health
    • To support the Canterbury foodshed and institutional procurement strategies
    • Support agricultural awards / scholarships (such as Nuffield) to promote transformational practices
  • CCC – Update CCC procurement to prioritize (or completely adopt) vegan and/or local options within 5 years.
  • CCC & City – Set a precedent that every food vendor in Christchurch have a vegan option.
  • Tax or ban single-use food packaging to eliminate waste, reduce emissions, and encourage local produce.
  • City – a Canterbury brand for biodiversity & climate-friendly food sources
  • CCC & City – Horticultural Exemplars in the Residential Red Zone, on berms, allotments, etc.
  • Relocalization of Canterbury’s food system. Enable/encourage farmers to grow a diversity of yields to meet regional food need first.

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