Working Together to Save Our Precious River Ecosystems

To restore our precious braided rivers we need to rid them of a range of weed species including Russell lupins, broom, gorse and briar. Please come to Arthur’s Pass to help a community weedbusting effort.
Saturday 9th — Tuesday 12th November 2019
Working bees will run each day from 9.30am — 12.00pm and 2.30pm — 5.00pm.
Where: Arthur’s Pass – meet at the Community Centre, School Road (past the old school and 4 houses along). You are welcome to come for as long or short a time as you like – from one working bee to four full days!
- See and read a great summary of the project here.
- For more information and to register, email
- To enquire about accommodation options, please email Hamish Fairbairn at
- Flyer here

post in the Press about the danger of invasive weeds to our rivers and landscapes