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Networking for the Environment – Stories to Celebrate

This Networking for the Environment forum was on

Tuesday, 29th June, 9:30am – 12:30pm
Tūranga Christchurch Library

This event was an opportunity to hear about some of the heroes from the Environmental Leadership and Heritage of Christchurch – Canterbury project, lead in partnership by ECO Canterbury Environmental Network and SŌC. Diana Shand of ECO Canterbury was the guest speaker presenting this project. It was also an opportunity to see the film Te Kāhui Tūao (Constellation of Volunteers) that tells the story of some of the groups in Canterbury working for change. Finally, there was a workshop component lead by Victoria Bliss – Heritage Conservation Projects Planner at CCC, Natalie Looyer – Oral Historian, and Kathleen Stringer – Archivist, Historian, Genealogist. This will allow you to explore the importance of these stories as a taonga and learn how to capture, protect and share your story.

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