These notes are from a “Restoring a Kind Climate” workshop held on the evening of 27 June 2019 at the Christchurch City Council building.
The purpose of the workshop was to provide community input into the Climate Smart Strategy review 2019, in particular to suggest practical pathways for achieving climate change mitigation goals and targets for the city. The notes are for one of the 8 topics discussed that evening.
Paradigm Shift
Summary of where this conversation happened and when

Revisit, “Share an idea” word map.
We need to develop the culture.
A culture of kindness already exists.
This culture needs to extend to include a sustainability focus:
- Educate people on, “the why and the how” for all other areas addressed in this workshop
- Transport
- Land use/urban food
- Building/housing
- Rewilding/Biodiversity
- Energy
- Waste minimisation
- Urban/design and planning
- Sustainability is also about wellbeing and looking after each other. We do this well in Christchurch but we also need to;
- More than eliminate poverty. We need to create a means to develop equity for communities and individuals.
We can do this by supporting, encouraging and developing communities…

This will:
- Provide a means to connect and educate;
- Time banks – support people in their day to day lives;
- Sharing resources – use less, own less, minimise waste
Not every community is the same. However, the focus needs to be on enabling equity not equality for each community.
There may be opportunity to help communities that need more support:
- Encourage wealthier communities can adopt a community needing more support;
- Paying it forward. Buy two items instead of one and one goes to a community in need;
- Learn about and connect with people they are helping.
Big emphasis on not telling people what to do but getting people to recognise benefit. Education is key.
Together we can make our lives amazing!
A matrix of Tasks and Roles is here.