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Submissions on Zero Carbon Bill consultation publicly released

During the consultation on the Government’s proposed Zero Carbon Bill, MfE received 15,009 submissions.

The submissions and the summary can be viewed on the Ministry for the Environment website.

The submissions received are being taken into account as policy advice is developed for Ministers about how New Zealand should respond to climate change.

Other inputs being considered are the recent reports on the transition to a low emissions economy from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment and the Productivity Commission, along with economic modelling, the latest science and other relevant reports.

Key themes from submissions include:

  • 91 per cent of respondents said they wanted a target of net zero emissions across all greenhouse gases by 2050 set in legislation now.
  • 96 per cent of respondents supported the establishment of a Climate Change Commission, with an advisory role to Government.
  • 92 per cent of respondents thought the Bill should include provisions to help New Zealand adapt to the effects of climate change.

The Bill is likely to be introduced to Parliament early next year and there will be another opportunity for you to have your say through the Select Committee process.

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