With 53% of Christchurch greenhouse gas emissions coming from transport this is a priority area to work on. As well as consulting on the Climate Smart Strategy, CCC are consulting on the Transport Plan.
Axel Wilke is a transport planner and led the transport workshop at the recent Restoring a Kind Climate gathering.
In summing up he says: “Workshop participants compiled a list of transportation initiatives and qualitatively compared those for their potential to reduce driving and increase the use of alternative modes.”
Initiatives (in decreasing order of effectiveness):
- Lower residential street speed limits to 30 km/h
- Convert parking lanes to protected cycleways
- Bus priority lanes on 4-lane arterials by removing vehicle lanes
- Pay for on-street parking where demand is high (use $ to subsidise public transport)
- Passenger rail Rolleston – Riccarton – Kaiapoi – Rangiora
If you have questions about these ideas or want to add your thoughts, please respond as a comment below.

Axel presented recently at the Tuesday Club. Here is a link to his talk and the questions and answers following: https://youtu.be/MKNgTePWWWM
You can also, if you wish, engage in a fuller and ongoing discussion of transport issues with equally passionate people; go to one of the Christchurch transport channels:
- Talking Transport (transport blog): https://talkingtransport.com/
- CHAT Club – Canterbury Housing and Transport (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/groups/248229305886431/
- CHAT Club – Canterbury Housing and Transport (Twitter): https://twitter.com/CHAT_Club_NZ
- Medium – Brendon Harre (housing blog): https://medium.com/@brendon_harre