Prepared Speeches
First place a prize package from Earth Sea Sky, Second place will receive Orana Wildlife Park vouchers.
Year 7-8

Henry Hood 1st (YouTube link)
Ella George 2nd (YouTube link)
Highly Commended: Bella Dawson & Maddie Page, Ashburton Borough School; Maisie Poff, Katia Renata, Sophie Pongracz, KL Warde from Our Lady of Victories School.

Year 9
Myro McKee 1st (YouTube link)

Year 12 -Open
Samantha Dryden 1st (YouTube link)
Zach Roberts 2nd (YouTube link)
Highly Commended – Ciara Foley, Ao Tawhiti.
Art Winners
Link to slides of visual art works on YouTube.
First place a prize package from Earth Sea Sky, second place will receive Orana Wildlife Park vouchers or vouchers donated by Ara Institute.
Year 7-8
First Place: Caleb Holland

Second place: Gabby Wright, Heaton Intermediate

Highly Commended: Lily Beth Stott, Heaton Normal Intermediate School; and Maddie Page, Ashburton Borough School
Year 9-11
First Place: Oshadha Perera

Second place: Alice Read

Highly Commended: Lauren Trolove, Rangiora High
Open (Year 12 – 24)
First Place: Cailin Richardson Hall

(Work produced using plastic pieces collected by volunteers of Algalita South Pacific)
Second Place: Poppy Mullan

Spoken Word
Few entries in this category with a number of fine poems being shared by South New Brighton School students. They unfortunately did not meet the criteria as a Spoken Word Poem but will receive certificates of appreciation.

First place: Meya Donkers
YouTube link to Meya reading her work.
Meya will receive a prize package from Earth Sea Sky clothing.
Second place: none
Meme Winners

This category was open to students beyond Canterbury We only received entries in the Year 9-11 age division.
Link to slide show of memes on YouTube.
Both students win vouchers donated by the Ara Institute.
Year 9-11
First place: Maddison Foster-Rogers

Second Place: Jiya Bothra